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Walking Staff Flutes

Regular price $690.00

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only 1 left in stock

* Note: These flutes do not qualify for free shipping in Canada. Please reach out to us with your address for a shipping rate.

64" Long

How majestic to walk in the forest with a 6 hole walking flute made from Sapele Hard Wood. It is dual purpose, a walking stick and a flute.

North American Flutes are very easy to learn to play. They are an intuitive instrument. This means that you can play by ear. No reading music!  

Follow the free lesson HOW TO PLAY A FLUTE in our LEARN Section and you are on your way!

How to care for your cedar flute 
If you are in a dry climate every six months or so you can use a 1/4" wood dowel with an old sock and use one of the materials listed below to coat the inside of the flutes...they love, love, love that, and it smells sooooo nice!
You can use one of these 3 suggestions:
Pure Organic coconut oil
Orange oil
Howard Feed and Wax. It is a Liquid beeswax.

A greeting from Blue Star

I began creating flutes while I was living in Placitas, New Mexico. I call the flutes ‘My Children’ because each time I create a flute it’s such a unique and creative experience as if I’m birthing a new part of my being . In the mid 90's, I went to the 'Gathering of Nations' Pow-Wow in Albuquerque, where I first heard the magical voice of the flute. The sound pulled me into a state of remembering. And at that point I knew I had to learn to play the Flute!

Within a week, I was playing songs that seemed to just flow through me. I noticed such a difference in my whole being! Playing the flute taught me deeper breathing which led to a more relaxed state of being!
I was taught by the elders to play my intentions and prayers through the flute and feel them spread throughout the universe, and know that they were being received! My intentions at that time were to find my life's purpose! A clear vision came within a month!

The Children brought the first True knowing of Gratitude into my Life!

Now each day is based in Gratitude and Love.....And the story continues.... 

It is my passion to bring these flutes to you as a tool for transformation. As you choose to invite the spirit of the flutes into your lives, you will notice some simple yet profound shifts in your waking life: 

  1. greater sense of peace
  2. heightened state of creative focus
  3. deepening awareness of the interconnectedness of life
  4. extended periods of being in the flow

Each child has it's own personality, temperament, and style.

So it is with each of us. You will intuitively know which child best fits you. Consider choosing your flute as an “adoption” process. There is one that will resonate with you more than the others, one that will call to you to become part of your own family. Take some time to explore the gathering of children below. Imagine holding each flute, moving your breath peacefully through to create a playful state of being. Ask yourself, 'Is this the one?' Listen to remember which flute suits you. Take joy as you follow the call to welcome a child into your heart and home. 

Blue Star 

Shipping Costs

* Note: These flutes do not qualify for free shipping in Canada. Please reach out to us with your address for a shipping rate.

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